Development Week 3 and 4

In development Week three, we read the two variations on the script and received ideas from the entire cast on what we like, want to keep and want to change. The system we developed keeps matters fair, in order to ensure that everyone is listened to. Currently the process is very slow and can be […]

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Top 8 Theatre Rehearsals Tips!

On the 21st of March, we successfully performed our project. Throughout our process of working on our Tea Dance Project, we have had many stumbles and falls. However was the finished project is created, it finally feels worth it. So here are our Top Eight Rehearsal Tips from our team: 1. Warm Up- Begin every […]

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Performing Arts In The Community

What is a Community? The word community does not have a singular definition, which I believe perfectly reflects what a true community represents, as it is something that does not take a singular form or that fits a particular mould. The most widely used definition, and the definition that most accurately represents the Pink Room […]

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